Crema Anti-Age
Scopri il Prodotto
L'azione anti-age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è determinata dalla sapiente miscelazione di ingredienti della tradizione cosmetica con attivi innovativi. Contiene un preparato brevettato di due principi attivi estratti da cellule staminali vegetali, per una tripla azione, dalla rivoluzionaria performance anti-age. La crema viso e contorno occhi anti-Age Staminax è sviluppata, prodotta e confezionata in Italia da professionisti farmaceutici e cosmetici con esperienza decennale.
La Formula
I due attivi, sono inclusi in una formula preziosa, con Olio d'Argan, Olio di Jojoba, Olio di Vinaccioli e Burro di Karatè. Per un prodotto sublime
99,8% di ingredienti Naturali
50,2% di ingredienti Biologici
Senza Profumo
Senza Parabeni
Senza OGM
Senza derivati animali
Non testato su animali
Il potere Anti-Age della crema viso e contorno occhi Staminax è garantito dall'alto contenuto di estratti da cellule staminali vegetali. Il primo stimola le nostre cellule a produrre collagene normalmente presente nella pelle umana, donando elasticità alla pelle, prevenendo e riducendo le rughe. Il secondo stimola la degradazione della bilirubina riducendo le occhiaie e migliora la microcircolazione riducendo le occhiaie.
Gli Studi
Sicurezza e Efficacia:
Dermatologicamente testato su pelli sensibili, studio condotto su 25 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo.
Nichel Tested
Testato per altri 8 metalli pesanti
Efficacia testa in Vivo, studio condotto su 30 volontari e sotto supervisione di un medico dermatologo.
Per aproffondimenti visita il sito :
Jophielle Angel's Light Yaşlanma Karşıtı Göz Çevresi Jeli (15 ml) Göz çevresindeki kırışıklıkların görünümünü azaltmaya yardımcıdır. Canlandırarak göz çevresine ışıltı verilmesine yardımcı olur. Cildin nemli ve pürüzsüz olmasına yardımcı olur. Cildi yağlandırmaz. Her cilt tipine uygundur. KULLANIMŞEKLİ: Göz çevresine, alt ve üst kapaklara günde iki kere ince bir tabaka şeklinde sürülür. Temiz cilde uygulanır. UYARILAR: Haricen kullanılır. Göz ile temasından kaçınınız. Temas halinde bol suyla yıkayınız. Çocukların ulaşamayacağı yerlerde saklayınız. Direkt olarak güneş ışığına maruz bırakmayınız. Kuru ve serin yerde (Oda sıcaklığında) muhafaza ediniz. İÇİNDEKİLER: Aqua, Camellia Sinensis Flower Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Flower Extract, Carbomer,Arnica Montana Flower Extract, Caprylyl Glycol, Phenoxyethanol,Triethanolamine, Menaquinone-7, Caffeine, Glyceryl Dibehenate, EDTA, CitricAcid, Quercetin, Polysorbate 80, Oligopeptide-34.
Eye area brightening and repairing cream 50ml is an effective eye contour care product that helps to reduce the appearance of dark circles around the eyes with its special formula, while moisturizing the skin and providing a smooth appearance.
Smoothing effect – reduces the appearance of dehydration lines/wrinkles from the first application.*
Visibly attenuated under eye pockets**
Dark circles less visible**
*Instrumental test performed 2 hours after application. **Clinical evaluation performed on 21 women after 28 days of bidaily use
(butelka 15 ml)
Kontur oka to obszar, który jest stale napięty przez ruchy powiek i mimikę twarzy. Formuła tego nietłustego żelu odpowiada na specyficzne potrzeby tej delikatnej okolicy. *górnych warstw naskórka
Typy skóry:
wszystkie typy skóry
delikatnie aplikuj na obszar wokół oczu
W 100% wyprodukowano we Francji
El Set Perfect Eyes combina la efectividad de Eye Perfect sérum con la innovación de los parches de silicona médica reutilizables Marvin & Mitch, potenciando los principios activos del sérum para el mejor cuidado de la piel del contorno de ojos.
Revilab Peptide ML – series of multicomponent peptide preparations, which uniqueness consists in principle of all-in-one action. Action of these new generation bioregulators is directed to delaying aging processes, maintenance of normal level of metabolic processes, prevention and correction of various states; rehabilitation after serious diseases, injuries and operations.
Effective action of Revilab Peptide ML is due to hi-tech formula. Each of 9 preparations contains a number of short peptides, antioxidants and building material for cells. It renders faster effect for various systems of organism, launching internal restoration function.
Our offers:Best sellers
Brand:Revilab peptide preparations
Bulk:30 capsules by 0,36 g
Expiry date:24.09.2026
Soothing ingredient (water marine source and pumpkin extract): reduces skin redness by inhibiting peptide (P substance) responsible for skin inflammation.
Well-being vegetal ingredient booster: issued from a biotechnology process, it stimulates the production of endorphins and helps the skin to be less reactive from environmental stress factors.
Phytosqualane: nourishing oil having a good affinity with the skin that restores suppleness and comfort.Apply in a thick layer all over face and
the eye contour area.
Leave on to take effect until product is
nearly completely absorbed.
Remove excess with a soft cotton pad,
soaked in gentle toner if you wish. Do not rinse with water, as this dries out the skin, and do not use a toner containing alcohol.
Use once or twice a week
Esplora la nostra gamma distintiva ed elegante di gioielli Eye of Evil, traendo ispirazione dagli accattivanti miti e leggende dell'antica Grecia. Ti invitiamo a dare un'occhiata alla nostra vasta gamma di orecchini, collane, bracciali e orecchini all'ingrosso. Ogni pezzo è realizzato con cura con materiali di altissima qualità, tra cui argento 925 di alta qualità, pietre CZ lucide e cristalli scintillanti. Migliora il tuo stile con la nostra collezione unica ispirata al ricco patrimonio culturale dell'antica Grecia.
Questa acqua micellare viso, occhi, labbra di BIOKOSMO è arricchita dal Succo di Aloe vera, ricco di sostanze antinfiammatorie ed emollienti che leniscono e riparano le imperfezioni cutanee, uniformando l’incarnato e riducendo il rossore. Il tutto unito alla presenza di un complesso di oligoelementi biodisponibili, che favoriscono il turn-over cellulare della pelle.
Il risultato è una pelle libera dalle impurità senza il bisogno del risciacquo.
250 ml
Mini-Augendusche ideal für Labor, Abfüllstationen oder alle Arbeitsplätze, an denen mit aggressiven Stoffen gearbeitet wird. Eyes Fresh lässt sich auf jeden herkömmlichen Kaltwasserhahn montieren. Durch Knopfdruck kann von Augendusche auf Perlwasser zum Waschen umgestellt werden (wird beim Schließen des Wasserhahns wieder auf Augenduschfunktion zurückgestellt). Passend für Wasserhähne mit Außengewinde M22x1, 1/2" oder 3/8".
Bei ausreichendem Wasserdruck Leistung gemäß DIN EN 15154-2.
Medical Goggles, Protective Safety Anti Fog Protective Medical Eye Protection - EN ISO 12870-2018+ EN 14139-2010+ EN ISO 15004-2-2007(EU)
Product Description
This product consists of a protective cover made of polymer material, cotton webbing and fixing device.
This product is suitable for medical staff and patients to prevent blood, saliva or medicine from harming the human body in the examination, diagnosis or treatment of stomatology.
1.Read this instruction carefully before use to confirm that the packaging is not damaged, and confirm that the packaged product is still within the validity period.2. Choose the appropriate model specifications to wear.
This product consists of a protective cover made of polymer material, cotton webbing and fixing dev: This product consists of a protective cover made of polymer material, cotton webbing and fixing dev
Size: 19*8.5cm:Size: 19*8.5cm
Material: Polycarbonate, Polycarbonate Product name: Isolation Goggles Color: Transparent:Material: Polycarbonate, Polycarbonate Product name: Isolation Goggles Color: Transparent
El contraste entre la intrincada y colorida tapa de mosaico y la discreta base de metal crea una llamativa mesa de centro que sirve tanto de pieza funcional como de obra de arte. Es perfecta para añadir un toque artístico y atrevido a interiores contemporáneos o eclécticos.
Técnica: hecho a mano
Materiales: mosaicos, hierro forjado
Dimensiones: diámetro - 81 cm, altura - 72 cm
Materiales: mosaico, hierro forjado.:Técnica: hecho a mano
For anyone that takes their slumber seriously, the Panda Bamboo Sleep Eye Mask is the ultimate accessory to shut out ambient light and set you up for a lovely long sleep. The most thoughtfully designed, light-as-air creation, it’s made from 100% bamboo, inside and out. Naturally breathable and hypoallergenic. Silky-soft on your skin. No matter what time it is, this sleep mask will bring on the night! And you’ll sleep right through it. *Available in Eclipse Black, Urban Grey, Vintage Pink, and Pure White
There’s no material quite like exquisitely soft and sleek bamboo. It’s a sustainable and vegan alternative to silk, and we use it inside and out on our 100% Bamboo Eye Masks. Layers and layers of gorgeous, gentle softness to soothe away the outside world and its glaring light.
Formula ad azione antirughe, idratante e nutriente, studiata per favorire la riduzione dell'espressione
rughe e per favorire l'idratazione della pelle grazie alle sue proprietà antietà. È un coadiuvante
il trattamento delle rughe e aiuta a proteggere la zona del contorno occhi dagli agenti esterni. La formula innovativa della crema occhi Time Freeze all'acido ialuronico di Rossylla (idratante), che contiene
due molecole di Acido Ialuronico, favorisce l'ottenimento ed il mantenimento duraturo di un
adeguata idratazione della pelle. La Vitamina E esalta la luminosità della zona del contorno occhi; il piccolo
i peptidi aiutano a mantenere la pelle liscia al tatto, nonché la compattezza e l'elasticità del
pelle, garantendo un aspetto giovane e luminoso. L'aggiunta di proteine idrolizzate del grano, con
ad effetto nutriente, garantisce una piacevole sensazione di freschezza.
Chez Inspirations Cosmétiques, nous sommes spécialisés dans le développement de crèmes contour des yeux alliant performance et douceur.
Nos services incluent :
Sélection des actifs clés : Nous intégrons des ingrédients reconnus pour leurs bienfaits sur la zone périoculaire, tels que :
La caféine pour réduire les poches et les signes de fatigue.
Les peptides pour stimuler la production de collagène et lisser les rides et ridules.
Des extraits botaniques apaisants pour calmer et hydrater la peau sensible autour des yeux.
Formulations innovantes : Nos textures sont conçues pour être légères et facilement absorbées, tout en offrant une hydratation durable.
Démarches réglementaires incluses : Nos équipes s’assurent que vos produits respectent les normes de sécurité et de réglementation.
Collagen, bir protein türüdür. Dokularda, kaslarda bağlılığı sağlar.
Collagen zaman ve çevresel etkenlere bağlı olarak, vücudumuzda azalmaktadır.
Collagen'de azalma olduğunda, ciltte sarkma, esneklik kaybı, kırışıklık ve gözenekler ortaya çıkmaktadır.
Collagen azalmasına bağlı yaşlanma belirtilerine karşı savaşan, cildin esnek ve genç görünmesini sağlayan göz çevresi, ciltteki kolajeni oluşturan biopeptitleri uyarmaktadır.
Collagen serum takviyesiyle vücutta azalmaya başlayan Collageni üst seviyelere çıkarıp eski esnekliğine kavuşturmak mümkündür.
Cilde haricen uygulanan Collagen Serum, yaşlanma karşıtı olup ciltteki nem kaybını önlemekte, kırışıklık ve sarkmış olan bölgeye nüfuz ederek derinin alt katmanlarına ulaşarak tahrip olmuş kısıma bağlayıcı etkilerde bulunmaktadır.
İçeriğindeki yüksek Collagen miktarı sayesinde, cildin doğal sıkılığını ve elastikiyetini geri kazanmasına yardımcı olur.
Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
Removes dark circles under the eyes
Nourishes in depth
Brightens and tightens the skin
Evterpa Rich Eye Serum works effectively against fine lines, wrinkles and dark circles in the eye area. Quickly restores the fresh and youthful appearance of the face. Brightens the skin and fights the first signs of aging. Supports regeneration and reduces visible signs of fatigue.
Active ingredients :
Coenzyme Q10 - its antioxidant properties effectively counteract free radicals. Q10 supports the production of collagen and elastin, ensuring the elasticity and strength of the skin. Its energy-boosting effects make Q10 a powerful ingredient for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It favors evening out skin tone by inhibiting hyperpigmentation.
WEIGHT:0.067 kg
CETAPHIL Deep Hydration Refreshing Eye Serum nourishes to deeply replenish skins hydration for 48 hours and improve the overall quality of sensitive skin. features HydroSensitiv Complex which deepens dynamic hydration and soothes skin sensitivity. This targeted eye cream reduces the appearance of dark circles and puffy skin for a refreshed look. It also includes hyaluronic acid, peptides, vitamin B5 and antioxidant rich vitamin E to rehydrate and smooth the look of fine lines caused by dryness or dehydration. Designed for sensitive skin, this fragrance free formula is ophthalmologist tested and clinically tested on sensitive skin for effective yet gentle skin care that will not clog pores or irritate skin.
"This eye cream Donkey milk has an anti-wrinkle effect and ensures that the skin around the eyes is lifted. The skin above and under the eyes will become less sagging, making you look younger (again). The eye cream based on donkey milk also prevents wrinkles, swelling and dark circles under the eyes. This eye cream is very suitable for sensitive skin.
Thanks to the innovative Yeast Pichia peptide complex, oxidative stress caused by environmental pollutants is combatted. The formula of the natural eye cream has been enhanced with Hippophae oil, organic olive oil, aloe and hyaluronic acid. This combination of organic products provides deep hydration and recovery of the skin.
Donkey milk is hypoallergenic, antibacterial, full of vitamins and minerals and is therefore suitable for dry skin. If you suffer from red spots, psoriasis, eczema, acne or sensitive skin, donkey milk care products are ideal for you. Donkey milk soothes the skin and ensures that it can heal again."
Weight:0.1 kg
Brand:Bodyfarm, Donkey Milk
Content (ml, gr) :15 ml
Age Group:Adult
Ingredients:Cetearyl alcohol, Ethylhexyl palmitate, Glyceryl stearate, Water, *Organically grown, Neopentyl
Hydrate, repulpe, illumine
Gel naturel
Sérum frais et défatiguant pour un regard illuminé.
Ce gel ultra léger et non gras, réduit les cernes et poches visibles, idéal pour le contour des yeux. Convient aux peaux et yeux sensibles, il décongestionne et illumine le regard avec une texture fraîche qui pénètre instantanément.
L’acide hyaluronique hydrate et repulpe, tandis que la caféine active la circulation sanguine, réduisant poches et cernes. La poudre d’acérola, riche en vitamine C, tonifie, hydrate et détoxifie la peau, stimulant la production de collagène.
Une formule parfaite pour un contour des yeux éclatant !
Formulé, fabriqué en France
Nom du produit : Le Gel Lumière
Vous souhaitez connaitre la composition ? Contactez-nous !
Marque blanche:Format et emballage sur mesure
Le contour des yeux représente la région la plus délicate de votre visage et nécessite une attention particulière.
Commencez dès aujourd’hui à adopter la routine « Immortelle » pour offrir à cette zone un soin exceptionnel.
Cette formule repose sur l’utilisation du macérât d’Immortelle, enrichi de deux ingrédients brevetés pour une efficacité maximale. Le premier de ces ingrédients est un agent raffermissant dérivé de l’avoine, qui procure un effet lissant, raffermissant et anti-rides. Le second est une combinaison de trois composés actifs novateurs, conçus pour réduire les poches et décongestionner la zone. Ces ingrédients minutieusement sélectionnés sont associés à l’eau florale de bleuet, reconnue pour ses propriétés décongestionnantes, ce qui en fait un choix idéal pour prendre soin de la zone délicate autour de vos yeux.
FILLMED EYE RECOVER MASK is a global rejuvenation hydrogel eye patch that instantly takes away the appearance of wrinkles, corrects progressively dark circles, puffiness and lifts the upper eyelid. The solution offers a complete rejuvenated look.
Collagen Peptide
Provitamin B5
Indication:Dark circles
Dropping eyelids
The Pack Includes:15 Masks x 5ml